To Hire or Not to Hire: Licensed Property Management Companies and Strata Management
Strata Law: Governance and ManagementStrata council members are responsible and accountable for strata management, but this doesn’t mean they need to do all the work themselves.
Strata Management: Responsibility, Accountability, Delegation
Strata Law: Governance and ManagementThe line between strata governance and strata management can be less than perfectly clear. Determining whether something is strata governance or strata management can be made by asking the question: Why does the strata corporation want to do this?
Significant Unfairness: When is an Owner Treated Unfairly?
Strata Law: Governance and ManagementWhat can be done by a strata lot owner when they are unhappy with their treatment by a strata corporation or those who direct its actions? The Strata Property Act provides a powerful tool to strata lot owners who disagree with the actions or direction of a strata corporation or its council.
Privacy: How the Personal Information Protection Act Applies to Strata Corporations
Strata Law: Governance and ManagementThe Personal Information Protection Act requires organizations in British Columbia to have a proper system for the collection, use, disclosure and protection of personal information. Strata corporations are one such organization.
Paying the Bills: Properly Spending the Strata Corporation’s Money
Strata Law: Governance and ManagementThe Strata Property Act requires every strata corporation to meet its common expenses. The money to meet those expenses is usually held in one of three funds: an operating fund, a contingency reserve fund, or a special levy fund. Understanding the operating fund and the contingency reserve fund and the requirements for spending the money in these funds are fundamental concepts that must be understood by anyone intending to spend the strata corporation’s money.